Saturday, August 28, 2010


Setiap orang pasti pernah bersin, iya gak? termasuk saya yang alergi terhadap debu, makanya stiap kali kena debu selalu bersin2. Lalu tahukah temen2 apa yang sebenarnya terjadi ketika kita bersin? nah untuk itu saya akan menulis artikel ini yang akan mengulas tentang apa yang terjadi saat kita bersin.

Lebih dulu kita perlu tahu apa sih bersin itu? Bersin adalah keluarnya udara semi otonom yang terjadi dengan keras lewat hidung dan mulut. Udara ini dapat mencapai kecepatan 70 m/detik (250 km/jam). Bersin dapat menyebarkan penyakit lewat butir-butir air yang terinfeksi yang diameternya antara 0,5 hingga 5 µm. Sekitar 40.000 butir air seperti itu dapat dihasilkan dalam satu kali bersin. Nah makanya temen2 kalau bersin sebaiknya menggunakan tissue agar air2 yang mengandung penyakit itu tidak menyebar kemana2. Soalnya saya sendiri pernah ngalamin ada orang disamping saya yang lagi flu maen bersin gitu aja (saya mau menegur juga ga enak), selain flu'nya menular kesaya waktu dia bersin itu busssettt baunya minta ampun mungkin karena air2 yang disemprotkannya itu menyebar kemana2 hhee......malah ngomongin org

Lalu kenapa kalau kita lagi bersin pasti menutup mata? karena syaraf-syaraf yang terdapat di hidung dan mata itu sebenarnya saling berkaitan, sehingga pada saat kita bersin, maka secara otomatis mata kita akan terpejam. Hal ini untuk melindungi saluran air mata dan kapiler darah agar tidak terkontaminasi oleh bakteri yang keluar dari membran hidung. Pada saat kita bersin, secara refleks otot-otot yang ada di muka kita menjadi tegang, jantung akan berhenti berdenyut sesaat. Segera setelah bersin maka jantung akan kembali lagi berdenyut alias berdetak kembali.

Penyebab bersin;
1. Aliran udara yang masuk akan melewati rongga hidung yang diselimuti selaput lendir hidung, bila selaput lendir ini terkena dengan bahan-bahan iritan atau alergen maka akan timbul bersin.
2. Timbul akibat adanya peradangan (rhinosinusitis), benda asing, infeksi virus, atau reaksi alergi.

Reaksi yang ditimbulkan oleh Bersin;
Terjadi gejala alergi yang menimbulkan reaksi,
1. Bersin-bersin.
2. Hidung gatal.
3. Pilek encer.
4. Hidung tersumbat.

Bersin sebenarnya berguna menjaga agar hidung tetap bersih, bersin yang terjadi berulang-ulang diharapkan dapat membantu upaya pembersihan dalam rongga hidung.

Ada sedikit hikmah yang belum begitu kita ketahui, bahwa sebenarnya Allah SWT Cinta kepada orang yang Bersin dan Malah Benci kepada Orang yang menguap, namun ada baiknya kita simak Hadist berikut.

Rasulullah bersabda:

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله تعالى عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: (( إن الله يحب العطاس ويكره التثاؤب، فإذا عطس فحمد الله فحق على كل مسلم سمعه أن يشمته، وأما التثاؤب فإنما هو من الشيطان فليرده ما استطاع، فإذا قال: ها، ضحك منه الشيطان )) صحيح البخاري في الأدب 6223

Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ta’alaa anhu, Rasulullah bersabda, “Sungguh Allah mencintai orang yang bersin dan membenci orang yang menguap, maka jika kalian bersin maka pujilah Allah, maka setiap orang yang mendengar pujian itu untuk menjawabnya; adapun menguap, maka itu dari syaitan, maka lawanlah itu sekuat tenagamu. Dan apabil seseorang menguap dan terdengar bunyi: Aaaa, maka syaitan pun tertawa karenanya”.
Shahih Bukhari, 6223.

Jantung berhenti berdetak saat kita bersin.
Beberapa mahasiswa dari sebuah universitas di Amerika membuat penelitian tentang bersin ini. Mereka ingin tau kenapa manusia bersyukur dan saling mendoakan pada saat bersin. Dari hasil penelitian, ternyata pada saat bersin jantung manusia berhenti berdetak NOL KOMA SEKIAN DETIK. Dan kita tau kalau jantung merupakan organ vital bagi manusia, maka dari itu hendaknya ketika kita bersin mengucap "Alhamdulillah" (segala puji bagi Allah) sebagai wujud syukur kita kepada Allah SWT. Sedangkan orang yang mendengarnya mendo'akan "yarhamukallooh" (semoga Allah merahmatimu), sedangkan orang yg bersin membalas doa'nya "yahdiikumullooh wayushlih baalakum" (semoga Allah memberi petunjuk kepadamu dan memperbaiki keadaanmu).

Re: Does your heart stop when you sneeze? Date: Wed Mar 25 23:07:35 1998
Posted By: Tom Wilson, M.D./PhD, Pathology, Div. of Molecular Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine
Area of science: Anatomy
ID: 887420441.An

In a word, no, your heart does not stop when you sneeze. From my
perspective, it is hard to even imagine what this would mean. A sneeze
itself is really a very brief event, occurring in a shorter time then a
heartbeat. Of course, there is the building up to the sneeze (the "ah" of
the "ah-choo"), but the heart certainly does not stop beating because of
this ah-ing. Check your pulse next time to prove this to yourself.

As I answer this question, I am trying to imagine just how the heart might
even "know" that you are sneezing. The heart beats because a small part of
it called the SA node has a "pacemaker" activity. What this means is that
there is a type of electrical cycle going on that triggers beats roughly
once every second. Sneezing does not change this electrical cycle, so the
heart keeps beating. Said a different way, the muscle of your heart is a
big mass of electrically active tissue, and this electrical activity will
not stop because of a sneeze, or anything else for that matter.

And yet, a sneeze is definitely a complex cardiovascular event. As you
"ah" and "choo", you significantly change the pressure inside your chest,
which in turn affects blood flow and thus the beating of the heart. Still
further, I assume that a sneeze involves a significant activation of
certain pathways of the "autonomic" (roughly means automatic) nervous
system. These also innervate the heart and do affect the frequency and
other aspects of the heartbeat.

So MAYBE the rapid culmination of these inputs OCCASIONALLY causes the
heart to "skip a beat" after a sneeze. Notice I did not say "stop". We
all experience skipped beats once in a while, some more than others. You
may notice it as a "fluttering" in your chest, a sensation that generally
evokes a bit of anxiety. What happens is that there is occasionally a
discoordination of the normally organized pathways of electrical activity
in the heart. Sometimes one part of the heart does not conduct the beat
appropriately, or more commonly, another part actually manages to beat
ahead of schedule, thus throwing the whole beat off. Either way, you get
one beat that does not occur correctly. But all this means is that you
have to wait for the beginning of the next electrical cycle to come around,
at which time a normal, organized beat will occur (assuming that we are
talking about a normal heart!). You see, the heart didn’t stop, really,
since the electrical cycle was still ongoing. It just got out of synch for
a while. Again, I am not actually aware that this happens with any
increased frequency after a sneeze, but I suppose it is possible.

Taking a more historical/philosophical view of your question, the much more
likely explanation for why people say "God bless you" has to do with
religious beliefs and superstition. As I understand it, in earlier times
it was believed that when you sneezed you opened yourself, or your soul, to
the outside world. It was an unnatural and certainly a bizarre happening,
and clearly portended evil. I am certain that there are variations on this
theme, but basically it was thought that your soul might escape, or demons
and evil spirits might get in, or even that they may have caused the sneeze
in the first place. The blessing was to help ward off such badness. I am
no historian, but I think people have done fairly extensive studies of this
custom, its variations, and its origins.

As a final thought, I think the most interesting question is not why we say
"God bless you", but rather why we sneeze in the first place! I wrote a
Mad Scientist answer about this a while back that I am still trying
to fully satisfy myself about.

Ah, well. Or maybe I should say, Ah choo.

Tom Wilson, MD PhD

View another Mad Scientist Network answer related to sneezing here.

1 comments: said...

mekanisme untuk proses mengeluarkan benda asing time bersin tu betul. sama macam batuk juga.. semua tu process semulajadi tubuh nak keluarkan benda yang bukan sepatutnya ada dalam tubuh..
dan betul, kena bersyukur pada Allah untuk semua tu =)

yang jantung berhenti time bersin, for a while i keep it as myth dulu la.. kalau ada jumpa latest research or islamic point of view i share lagi k..

Although it may seem that your heart takes a break during a sneeze, this is actually not the case. When you first inhale before sneezing, the pressure in your chest increases. Then, as you exhale forcefully during the sneeze the pressure drops. Alterations in blood flow to your heart produced by these pressure changes can affect the heart rate. However, the electrical activity in the heart marches on unimpeded–you remain very much alive throughout your sneeze!



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